Lavender & Chamomile | Bath Salt Soak

Drench your skin in this relaxing and aromatic bath salt soak composed of nourishing, soothing, and detoxifying Dead Sea salts, gently perfumed in a balanced blend of slightly fruity chamomile and herbal lavender essential oils. Garnished throughout with lavender buds and chamomile flowers.

Our plant-based, all-natural bath salt soaks are handcrafted to deliver a luxurious bath experience with nourishing Dead Sea salts, soothing essential oils, and oil-rich dried flowers.

Dead Sea Salt. Packed with minerals such magnesium, calcium, sodium, zinc, potassium, and sulphur that help boost skin health. It helps hydrate dry skin, exfoliate dead skin, recover and relax muscles, reduce stress, and remove toxins from the skin.
100% Organic Lavender Essential Oil and Buds. In warm water, oils intensify to help with deep relaxation.
100% Organic Chamomile Essential Oil and Flowers. In warm water, oils intensify to help soothe and calm the skin and body. Contain anti-inflammatory properties.

$ 29.99


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