The most common metal that I use in making the Olwen Handmade line is 14k gold filled. Gold-filled jewelry is composed of a solid layer of gold, which must constitute at least 5% of the item's total weight, mechanically bonded to sterling silver or a base metal. Gold filled jewelry has the same appearance as solid 14k gold jewelry. It will last for many, many years even with constant daily wear. A fantastic, less expensive alternative to solid gold jewelry, gold filled is my favorite metal to work with.


Each gemstone that I use in the Olwen Handmade collection is hand picked, cleared and can be charged (if you wish) to bring the stone to it's fullest potential. Likewise, if you would like more information to do either of these on your own, I would be glad to help out with additional information!  Some stones Have been with me for years, waiting to go into a piece, and others will instantly be made into something. Some are held onto out of attachment, and some because it just hasn't felt right yet.  Each stone has its own vibration and somewhat 'a mind of it's own'. I verify each stone is authentic and when there is a story behind where the stone came from, I will share it. Look for details in the descriptions of each piece in the shop section.

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